Survey: 65 Percent of Americans Support Prayer in Public Schools

02/14/2011 21:57

From Christian Post

Sixty five percent of American adults favor prayer in public schools, according to a new survey.

And only 24 percent of U.S. adults say they are opposed to prayer in schools, finds the Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday.

The national telephone survey conducted on 1,000 adults from Feb. 3 to 4 simply asked, “Do you favor or oppose prayer in public schools?”

Compared to last year’s findings, this year’s prayer in public school survey results are slightly higher. Last April, 61 percent of Americans said they favor prayer in public schools.

About the same proportion of Americans who say they pray at least once every day (61 percent) support prayer in public schools (65 percent).

But less American adults this year say religious faith is at least somewhat important in their daily life compared to last year (73 percent versus 80 percent, respectively). The new survey finds 54 percent of Americans say religious faith is very important in their lives, while 23 percent say faith is not very or not at all important in their everyday lives.

The issue of prayer in public schools has long been a point of contention for separation of church and state activists.

But despite activists’ efforts, every year millions of students gather at their schools’ flagpoles to pray. In 2010, more than 3 million students participated in the “See You At the Pole” grassroots prayer movement that allows students to intercede for their leaders, schools , and families.

This year, SYATP will take place on Sept. 28.

Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter

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