Seattle middle school girls can get taxpayer-funded IUDs in the public schools

07/12/2015 09:04

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Seattle Middle School children as young as 12 may have long-acting, reversible contraceptives (LARCs), including hormonal implants and abortion devices, paid for by tax dollars. 

A state Medicaid program called "Take Charge," and a pro-abortion organization called "Neighborcare Health," offer the birth control to students free of charge (to them).

"Take Charge" is a taxpayer-funded program specifically designed for teenagers to get contraceptives.  It is run in Washington state by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.

The "Neighborcare Health" organization provides long-acting contraceptive placement in Seattle middle schools and high schools.

Neighborcare has placed over 500 LARCs in school children at six Seattle schools.

"Teens can access confidential counseling on different birth control methods — and LARC insertion — more easily than they can buy a soda," noted an article in the liberal website Salon.

Over a decade ago, Seattle banned soda pop from public schools.  Now pubescent girls who can't buy a soft drink, can get a free Intra-Uterine Device inserted at school without parental notification. 

IUDs are abortifacients, which prevent the child conceived from implanting in the mother's womb.  In the past, doctors have advised that IUDs should not be implanted in women under 25 who have never been pregnant, due to serious health concerns about IUD expulsion and pelvic inflammatory disease.

In the 1970s, hundreds of thousands of women testified about serious harm from an IUD called the "Dalkon Shield," which caused infection and even death, and has since been taken off the market.  The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reported, while stating that IUDs are "safe," that the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is increased in the first 20 days after IUD insertion.


Long-acting contraceptives and invasive birth control devices do nothing to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), yet they can cause life-threatening side effects, including infection, bleeding, and internal lacerations.  Nevertheless, Salon approvingly noets that  girls "openly trade stories about what kind of contraception they're using."

Katie Acker, a “health educator” with Neighborcare, happily reported that "There’s so much pride around, ‘I’ve got this method, I’ve got this method.’ It’s not a hush-hush thing anymore.”

Acker's in-school clinic is fully outfitted with counselors’ offices, exam rooms, and even a kitchen.

A 2014 Washington University study documented the activities of the reproductive health educator and found that “school-based health providers often cited their lack of formal inserting or removing IUDs and contraceptive implants."  Less experienced providers are more likely to cause dangerous complications.

According to the Planned Parenthood-founded Guttmacher Institute, over half the states  in the U.S. allow children 12 and older to consent to contraceptive services. LifeSiteNews

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