PA: We'll Boycott Those Who Don't Boycott Yesha

07/14/2011 14:15

Israel National News:  PA Economics Minister Hassan Abu Libda said Thursday that the PA would boycott any Israeli company that complies with Israeli law and does not itself boycott towns in Judea and Samaria. Libda also called on Israeli companies working on building the new PA city of Rawabi not to comply with Israeli law and to continue supplying the PA with goods and services for Rawabi's construction.

On Monday night, shortly after the anti-boycott law was passed by the Knesset, MK Michael Ben-Ari said that he was preparing the first lawsuit under its provisions, against Israeli company Teldor, which manufactures computer networking equipment, fiberoptics, and communication cables. Teldor is actively involved in laying communications infrastructure in the new PA city of Rawabi, and as such has signed a document certifying that it does not do business in Judea and Samaria.


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