Managing editor of Vancouver Xtra homosexual magazine says “we will teach your kids new norms”

01/03/2012 19:50

LifeSiteNews:  VANCOUVER, Canada, January 2, 2012 ( - Those who said there was a pro-homosexuality agenda were treated with scorn as alarmists before the propagandists for that agenda became as bold as they are now. But we have it directly from the managing editor of Xtra Vancouver: as clear an enunciation of the homosexual activist agenda for the schools as we may have seen anywhere.

In the October 20th, 2011, edition of the Vancouver edition of the homosexual magazine Xtra, the managing editor of that magazine wrote in the online edition:

    ”. . . the gay rights movement is shifting norms in Canada. And with that comes a message to those who won’t evolve: your outdated morals are no longer acceptable, and we will teach your kids the new norm.”

It may have gone relatively unnoticed, but this boast by a homosexual spokesman encapsulates what so many of those who claim to stand for traditional morality fail to acknowledge: Pro-homosexuality activists are not poor, down-trodden members of a minority who simply want to live their own lives as they choose. They are seeking to change the hearts and minds of our children and our grandchildren. They are seeking to establish “new norms” for our society.

Children and youth are the ones most malleable; hence the all-too-successful drives to establish “Gay Straight Alliances” and to show students films from “gay” film festivals through the organization “Out in Schools.”

It is undoubtedly true that some members of the “homosexual community” simply seek to carry on with their own lives; and, however much we may disagree with their morality, it is not those homosexuals who are posing a direct threat to our children and grandchildren. It is those who seek to use the schools as instruments of indoctrination whose activities in the public sphere we have sought to expose and oppose. These activists, along with those who have gained such a large voice in the media and entertainment worlds, are the ones who are succeeding in changing our society in a way that a decade or so ago would have been beyond most people’s imagination. For those who are not paying close attention it may still be beyond their imagination.

It is hard to understand why the leaders in our society who adhere to a morality derived from Judaeo-Christian sources can have failed as a whole to awaken to the danger posed to the rights of parents and the welfare of children. It is hard to understand why more parents have not raised the alarm and taken measures to protect the children and youth in our schools. Perhaps the bold statement of one of the activists in our own province may serve to arouse more citizens from apathy to action.


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