Fuller Seminary Allows First LGBT Campus Group

07/15/2013 20:31

Fuller Theological SeminaryFuller Theological Seminary in California has approved an official student organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.

The decision sparked debate in the larger world of Christian colleges. Although other Christian schools have approved similar organizations, Fuller is the first evangelical seminary to do so.

The group, called OneTable, formed last fall and has attracted about three dozen students.

"Fuller is not acting in the students' best interest by sanctioning the group and should instead be teaching reorientation as the students' best option," Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, said.

Sprigg is also an ordained Baptist minister.

But the group's founder, Nick Palacios, said he's hoping that "people will see Fuller and OneTable as a model of what the body of the church is supposed to do in this situation."  CharismaNews


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