DNC Platform Plank Omits Language Stating Jerusalem Be Recognized as Israel's Capital

09/04/2012 20:49

Language calling for Jerusalem to be recognized as the capital of Israel has been omitted from the 2012 Democratic Party platform.
As the Weekly Standard's Daniel Halper noted, the 2008 DNC platform included this language proclaiming the city's status: "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel. The parties have agreed that Jerusalem is a matter for final status negotiations. It should remain an undivided city accessible to people of all faiths."

That language has been replaced by a broader statement about unshakable U.S. support for the Jewish state -- with no mention of Jerusalem at all. The statement also omits previously included language about Palestinian refugees and the designed terrorist group Hamas.

It's a nod to the realities of governing. Longstanding U.S. policy withholds recognition of the city as Israel's capital, and the U.S. embassy remains in Tel Aviv. It's easier for challengers to incorporate Jerusalem into their party platforms than it is for incumbents.

Asked about the issue in July, White House press secretary Jay Carney would only say that the U.S. position hasn't changed.

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